Investment Focus

Sustainable Investment Program (SIP)

Suria Global Group of Companies strives to bring about regional advancement through its unique and proprietary Sustainable Investment Program (SIP).

In addition to our investment activities, we are also actively supporting our portfolio companies in various company-related initiatives such as supply-chain management, ERP system implementation, marketing, positioning and branding, market penetration, and technological enhancement and human capital resource planning.

Banking and Finance

A non-bank financial institution (NBFI) is a financial institution that does not have a full banking license and does not accept deposits from the public. However, NBFIs can facilitate alternative financial services, such as investment such as venture capital or private equity financial consulting, brokering, and fund transmission. These non-bank financial institutions provide services that are not necessarily suited to the highly regulated banking and financial institutions, and serve as competition to banks, with specialization in certain sectors or industries through cross-border and regional transactions.

Having a multi-faceted financial system, which includes NBFI can protect economies from financial shocks and recover from those shocks. NBFIs provide multiple alternatives to transform an economy’s savings into capital investment, which act as backup facilities should the primary form of banking and financing institution fails. Suria Global strives to be a successful NBFI with its own proprietary fund and the funder of last resort.

Human Health & Pharmaceutical

Asia has some of the world’s most biologically diverse countries. The richness of biodiversity in Asia covers the use of plants associated with traditional knowledge by the mega-diverse countries from this continent: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Marine natural products have also drawn attention with the discovery of almost 8,500 nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products. There are lots of windows of opportunities from biodiversity, particularly with the discovery of new medicinal and biological agents. We also believe that there is an inherent need for Asian Pharmaceutical products just for the Asian Community alone. There is a need to push for quicker and more efficient Clinical Trials with Asian Scientists by Asian regulatory bodies for the Asian Community. Suria Global strive to take an active role in this investment opportunities before it is too late. 

Affordable & Clean Energy for Developing Countries

Having access to energy is essential in order to carry out our daily activities. As the world population continues to grow, the demand for cheap energy also increases. Almost all of the major challenges the world faces today, such as global warming and drastic climate change, is due to our energy consumption and dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, a lot of the remote communities are still without proper and sustainable access to energy for electricity. Thus, Suria Global will focus on energy accessibility and efficiency for developing countries as well as projects that can promote and increase the use of clean and renewable energy.

Climate Change Initiatives

The current most visible icon of climate change is Greta Thunberg. In her speech at the UN Climate Change Conference, she spoke about the perils and devastations should the world goes unheeded on the current warning signs. Suria Global will focus on projects that help to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, production that is environmentally friendly, sustainable agriculture and livestock production. Urban livability projects and green buildings will form part of our portfolio. Suria Global intends to create as well as allocate financial resources derived from other activities to provide grants and indirect assistance to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and attempt to build an ecosystem where humans will live in harmony with nature.

Affordable housing, Clean Water and Sanitation for Communities

A joint report by the World Bank and the United Nations says that water scarcity affects 40 percent of world’s population. By 2030, 700 million people will suffer intense water scarcity. Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation affects the lives of families and communities in SE Asia including Malaysia, especially those in neglected communities. Suria Global intends to assist in ensuring that these disadvantaged communities have access to affordable housing, safe and clean water by focusing on projects that provide sanitation facilities and management of water-related ecosystems such as wetlands and rivers.

Job Creation and Poverty Eradication

In 2010, the world achieved the first Millennium Development Goal target, which was to cut the 1990 poverty in half by 2015. Despite the impact of 2008 economic crisis and global recession, the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined significantly. However, as the number of people living in extreme poverty globally is still high, the progress made in reducing poverty is still not sufficient. To tackle this, Suria Global supports projects that have positive transformational impacts on community as well as creating good and decent jobs and secure livelihoods.

Recycle, Reuse and Recreation

Nowadays, the implementation of “3 Rs” (Recycle, Reuse and Recreation) is becoming more important in all phases of product life cycles, from development and production to use and final disposal, in order to create a recycling-oriented society. This is due to global warming, pollution, diminishing forests, and a limited supply of natural resources in the world. In order to protect the environment and to satisfy the demands, Suria Global will support projects that increase the ratio of recyclable materials, further recreate and reuse raw materials and manufacturing wastes which can overall reduce the consumption of resources and energy.

Industrial, Innovation and Infrastructure

A highly developed and resilient infrastructure is the foundation of any successful nation. Economic growth, social development, and climate action have now become largely dependent on infrastructure investment, sustainable growth, and technological development. In the midst of a rapidly developing global economic environment and increasing global inequalities, sustained growth will have to include industrialization, which can give all people access to opportunities, and ideally driven by creativity and a robust infrastructure. However, basic infrastructure like roads, information and communication technologies, sanitation, electricity and water supply remains scarce in many developing countries. In the interest of achieving that goal, Suria Global will focus on projects that help to promote innovative sustainable technologies and ensure equal and universal access to information and financial markets.

NGO and Government Partnership and Funding Program

The widely promoted concept of Public-Private Partnership will be one of the cornerstone models for Suria Global to assist both Government and NGOs in funding social economic projects. These include public transportation networks, parks, convention centers, hospitals and waste management. Suria Global will enter into global certification programs endorsed by ADB, EBRD and World Bank in its PPP execution. Suria Global will seek leveraging from global financial institutions for its financial allocation to this segment.

Sustainable Bio-Forestry

Bio-Forestry investment is not for the get-rich schemers or the weak in heart. A Bio-forest is somewhat like a treasury bond or a long stock we buy with the hope that, over time, our financial investment will return more money than we paid for it. However, Bio-forests are much more than a financial asset because they provide an array of other benefits with values that cannot be measured in monetary terms, global environmental impact, clean air and water, prevention of extinction of indigenous animal, floral and herbs.

The value of the investment increases with the age and size of the trees. Most forestry is very capital intensive because of the long time periods involved. With adequate investments to actively manage endowment forest land assets, substantial financial returns may be expected from this land into perpetuity for many generations.

Investors can hold timberland through three different institutional arrangements: 1) various forms of direct, privately traded ownership, 2) publicly traded units of securitized timberland (limited partnerships), and 3) publicly traded stock in vertically integrated forest products companies that own substantial areas of timberland.

There is also a growing convergence of interest between leading forest enterprises, financial institutions-including commercial banks, investment funds, export credit agencies and the multilateral development banks and conservation organizations in responsible investment in sustainable forestry and Suria Global is one of the few.

Palm Oil Plantation

Palm oil accounts for 35% of the world’s vegetable oil market. As of 2016, there were 17 million hectares of mature palm oil plantations producing up to 65 million tons of Crude Palm Oil, namely from Indonesia (53% of output) and Malaysia (31% of output). Malaysia is second largest producer, In comparison, the next largest global vegetable oil by volume comes from soya bean which has 120 million planted hectares producing only 48 million tons of soya oil.

The RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) has developed a set of environmental and social criteria which companies must comply with in order to produce Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). When they are properly applied, these criteria can help to minimize the negative impact of palm oil cultivation on the environment and communities in palm oil-producing regions. Suria Global intends to invest a substantial amount of investment in this sector but will only invest in compliance to the RSPO standard along the whole value chain beginning from Malaysia.

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